It may have taken me little longer than intended but the Bunker is now back in business.
Last week I finally completed boarding up the insulation (which in itself must add a further level of insulation - not that I think 6mm plywood has a fantastic thermal profile) and conducted a full deep clean and tidy of the room.
Next week scheduled hobby work starts in earnest with my first objective being the painting of a C18th infantry regiment. I've already painted a prototype figure from the unit, I now want to see how long it will take me to paint the full unit, I'm hoping less than a week (that's a bunker week - so about 15 hours).
Today I treated myself to a little distraction and had a Wild West hobby day as I was excused shopping duties by Mrs. P.
I've cleaned up a number of horses and civilian type figures and assemble some log and picket fencing, I'll put pictures of these on the blog once they have progressed a little bit. There were two builds, a house under construction (that is the model is of a house under construction, and not a model still under construction) and gallows - both of these are by 4Ground, and are lovely little models that I won't need to paint. Construction was fairly straight forward, however I will confess there was some cussing when putting the roof framework together for the timber house but I got there in the end. I'm not sure whether it's a nice or macabre touch that the gallows trap doors are functional!!
You'll note the gallows has no rope as yet, this will come at a later date once I find someone with less chunky fingers than me to tie the appropriate knots.
I have also decided to revisit some of the existing Wild West buildings I have and 'pimp them up' a little bit. Today I started with the saloon, below are the before and after images of the building - the only further thing for me to do is add some furniture.
Last weekend I actually managed to play another game; Sharpe Practice kindly run by Tim Thompson from the local club. I have figures (not yet painted (and a majority not even assembled)) for this game but decided to go the traditional Napoleonic route, if I'd gone ACW like Tim I would probably have them done by now - hindsight eh!?.